B&F’s Coronavirus Precautions
As concerns regarding COVID-19 (Coronavirus) have become pervasive, we want to make you aware of the steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our clients and employees while continuing to provide exceptional service and financial advice.
Protecting Employee and Client Health
The health and safety of our clients and our employees is our first and highest priority. To help ensure everyone’s wellbeing, we have directed that our employees not come to the office if they are showing any signs of illness, or if they have recently been exposed to people with COVID-19 or areas impacted by the disease.
We are also taking precautions to reduce the potential spread of illness in our office, including diligent cleaning of common surfaces, limitations on physical contact (Ex: “elbow bumps” in place of handshakes and hugs), and limiting non-essential business travel or vendor meetings.
The Essential Guide to Retirement Planning
A 4-part series that answers key questions about building your plan, positioning your investments, and more.

Ensuring Continuity of Service
As part of our ongoing Business Continuity Plan, we have invested in the systems and procedures needed to ensure we can continue providing excellent service and giving excellent advice, even if we are not able to do so from our offices. We have coordinated our technology resources so that employees who need to stay home can work remotely, and we are prepared to implement plans to continue our services strictly through remote access if necessary. A normal part of our business operation is to cross-train staff in different functions, which will help to ensure continuity even if some employees cannot perform their customary duties due to illness or because they are tending to family members.
We Are Here for Our Clients
During these turbulent market conditions, we understand that our clients may want to meet with us to seek our advice and guidance. We will continue to take every step possible to make ourselves available to serve our clients needs.
In order to help minimize the risk of infection, we are offering the option of meeting by video or phone rather than in-person if preferred.
We’re proud to have been honored by some of the organizations in our industry.

Resources for your Protection
To help protect yourself from the virus, please refer to the CDC’s latest recommendations. For San Diego County residents, the San Diego County Health and Human Services coronavirus webpage is an excellent resource.
It is our hope that this immediate concern will abate and the current outbreaks will be contained. However, as planners and as your advisors, we must be prepared for every eventuality.
This is an evolving situation, and if we do ultimately have to make changes to how we are conducting our business, however temporarily, we will immediately inform you. Please let us know if you have any concerns, financial or non-financial, or just need a good sounding board during this time of increased uncertainty.
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