Financial Security/Safety

Scams of all sorts targeting senior citizens are on the rise, in large part because they tend to be more trusting and, more importantly, less aware of risks online. Recently, there has been an increase in “pop-up” scams. In theseREAD MORE

These days, automobiles are more than rolling hunks of steel- many contain networked computers that are connected to the internet. Connected cars, as they are known, are able to share data with devices both inside and outside the car. OnREAD MORE

As if there wasn’t enough to worry about online, another scam has become increasingly common and a growing concern for financial institutions. SEO scams hijack your search results and take you to websites that look like familiar (especially financial institutions)READ MORE

Not long ago, an executor’s job was relatively straightforward. By taking a physical key, unlocking a physical lock, rummaging through a couple of kitchen or desk drawers, an executor could have most of what would be needed to wind upREAD MORE

Car travel is pretty much unavoidable in California. About fourteen million automobiles are registered in the state, and there are about twenty-five million drivers. With so many cars and drivers on the state’s roads, it’s not surprising that there areREAD MORE