Planning For Retirement

We were recently asked to help someone who had a very unusual problem with her 401(k). While the combination of problems was unusual, the situation illustrated several common mistakes people make. In this case, the combination of mistakes compounded intoREAD MORE

When changing jobs or retiring, one important decision you will face is what to do with your employer’s retirement plan (401(k), 403(b), pension, SIMPLE or SEP IRA, etc.). In most cases a 401(k) to IRA rollover makes the most sense,READ MORE

During a long drive through the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains it occurred to me that while most of the trip may be long stretches on the same road, missing a planned exit for a different direction can derail your wholeREAD MORE

With Valentine’s Day just a couple days away, it seems timely to talk of l’amour—or more specifically, about marriage and love in retirement. Is Retirement Hazardous to Marriage and Love? The divorce rate among baby boomers has nearly doubled inREAD MORE

Protecting against potentially catastrophic health care costs is one of the most important financial planning steps you can take. For most families in America, that protection comes from employer-provided group health insurance. But what happens when that coverage comes toREAD MORE