Planning For Retirement

While America is often dubbed the land of opportunity, a surprising number of people are under the impression that a high income or inheritance is a prerequisite for making it to millionaire status. However, the perception that you need toREAD MORE

With three major pieces of tax legislation passed in the last four years, we enter 2024 with more nuances, more inflation adjustments, more expiring tax breaks, and more rules to follow. Here are the highlights. To see all the details,READ MORE

Retirement should be about exploring items on your bucket list, not worrying about your finances. But for many, it’s overshadowed by the looming question: “Will my money last?” In fact, an alarming 56% of Americans are concerned that their savingsREAD MORE

Do you have money left over in a 529 account for your child? Maybe your oldest got a scholarship to college, or just didn’t need as much money as you had saved up. No matter the case, there are someREAD MORE

Did you know that the fastest growing demographic group in the United States is people over the age of 85? As health care improves, people are living longer. Most people today can expect to spend about one quarter to oneREAD MORE