Many of us watch our parents getting older with some concern. They may be doing fine now, but we know that most older people eventually need some help. The need for help may increase gradually over time, but in manyREAD MORE
Retirement, Retirees
Inflation was the big story in 2022, and for 2023 it brings some benefits (increased social security benefits, bigger tax deductions) but also some detriments (higher Medicare surcharges). The SECURE Act 2.0, which was passed at year-end, will have aREAD MORE
The loan you take out to purchase a home is often the largest debt you will carry in your lifetime. Paying off your mortgage is an attractive concept, because it provides a sense of financial security and significantly reduces yourREAD MORE
In our working years, the idea of retirement may seem like a dream: the opportunity to finally do the things we’ve been deferring for decades. We’re bombarded with images of happy people traveling, playing golf and walking on the beach,READ MORE
Twenty-first century America is a nation of job-hoppers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American holds 12 jobs in their lifetime. The concept of retiring after 40 years with one company, taking home a pension andREAD MORE