Do you have money left over in a 529 account for your child? Maybe your oldest got a scholarship to college, or just didn’t need as much money as you had saved up. No matter the case, there are someREAD MORE
Retirement, Retirees
Did you know that the fastest growing demographic group in the United States is people over the age of 85? As health care improves, people are living longer. Most people today can expect to spend about one quarter to oneREAD MORE
Over 60 million people rely on Medicare for their health insurance. The services Medicare provides can be confusing to navigate, with their “Alphabet Soup” of programs. Amid the lettered programs is a special and, for some, very costly group ofREAD MORE
Most of us hope to spend all of our retirement in our own home. As we age, however, mother nature conspires to bring health challenges and physical limitations to us. When this happens, alternatives to living at home may becomeREAD MORE
It takes a lot of planning to design a successful retirement strategy. Saving and investing enough to fund a comfortable retirement is critical, but there are other things to consider as well. Your lifestyle, where you’ll live, medical expenses, pension,READ MORE