Retirement, Retirees

Social Security is a big topic on a lot of our clients’ minds. The rules can be confusing, but the good news is you have a lot of choices that can really help in retirement. Here are five important SocialREAD MORE

I’ve worked with several couples with very different birthdates. This isn’t good or bad – as they say, the heart wants what it wants. Still, the financial planning considerations are a little different than for people who marry someone closerREAD MORE

“Can I really stay in this home for my whole retirement?” If you’ve ever had this thought, but put it off for another day, you’re not alone. Many seniors take a “wait and see” approach—simply carrying on in their currentREAD MORE

In our recent Living Wisely seminar titled, “Let’s Talk Estate Planning”, we delved into how instruments like trusts can help you manage your assets during your lifetime and after your death. A key takeaway was how important it is toREAD MORE

Over 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day. And that will happen each and every day for the next 3 decades! Age 65 used to be thought of as the age to retire. That’s changed. More and more people are workingREAD MORE