Is it too early to envision retirement when you’re in your 50’s? Many of us “50-somethings” would say yes- we’re still deep in the middle of career and family building, and retirement may be just a vague concept in ourREAD MORE
Retirement, Retirees
As we age, the single greatest risk to our retirement independence is falling. Did you know one out of every 3 adults over the age of 65 falls each year? And if you’ve fallen once, you are two to threeREAD MORE
It’s been said that roughly 10,000 baby boomers are transitioning into retirement every day. Even though so many people are doing it, there’s still a considerable amount of stress as you transition from working into retirement. The big financial transitionREAD MORE
It’s been said that owning a home is realizing the American Dream. But what most homeowners really dream about is the day their mortgage is finally paid off! The financial benefits of not having a mortgage in retirement are hardREAD MORE
One of the best things about retirement is freedom. Without the shackles of work weighing you down, you can choose how to spend your day, and where you’ll spend it. One of those freedoms is where to live. But despiteREAD MORE