Retirement, Retirees

In the 2006 movie, The Pursuit of Happyness starring Will Smith, the main character is a struggling single father whose pursuit of happiness is intertwined with his pursuit of money and success.  The story highlights how the feeling of happinessREAD MORE

To be financially comfortable in retirement, the general rule of the thumb is that you’ll need approximately 80% of your annual pre-retirement income. Spending in retirement is a mixed bag. You can get by on less because some monthly expensesREAD MORE

When planning for a comfortable retirement, taxes are a significant consideration. Taxes are among the largest contributors to your cost of living in retirement, and cost of living can make the difference between a comfortable retirement and a meager one.READ MORE

Retirement can bring a new phase of life that can be freeing and rewarding. It can also bring its share of uncertainties and unknowns. One of the biggest fears for retirees is whether they will outlive their money. While manyREAD MORE

One of the most common New Years’ resolutions is to get organized. It’s also one of the most important steps in the financial planning process, because it makes keeping on top of your finances a lot easier. Nowhere is thatREAD MORE