Quarterly Investment Reviews

We look back over the market in 3-month sections, and give you some insights that may be helpful. After all, the more informed you are, the easier it will be to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.

Quarter In Review After almost 17 months of remarkably low volatility, downside risk returned with a vengeance in February. The S&P 500 peaked on January 26th following 508 days without a drop of 2% or more. The index sold offREAD MORE

Quarter In Review The U.S. market finished the year with impressive gains. The S&P 500 rallied decisively in the fourth quarter as the U.S. Congress debated and ultimately passed a tax reform package. Smaller U.S. companies did well during theREAD MORE

Quarter In Review Despite its reputation as the worst seasonal period for stocks, the U.S. market delivered strong returns in the third quarter (up 4.5%), extending its winning streak to eight consecutive quarters and a remarkable 18 out of theREAD MORE

Quarter In Review So far, 2017 has emerged to be a very positive one for global stock markets, and the second quarter was no exception. We saw developed international stocks jump 6.1% while emerging-market and larger-cap U.S. stocks gained 6.3%READ MORE

Quarter in Review Global stocks continued last quarter’s rally into 2017. The S&P 500 Index of U.S. large company stocks rose 6.1% for the quarter, while smaller company stocks were up by 2.5%. Developed international stocks outperformed U.S. stocks, risingREAD MORE