Quarterly Investment Reviews

We look back over the market in 3-month sections, and give you some insights that may be helpful. After all, the more informed you are, the easier it will be to achieve the best possible outcome for your situation.

Quarter in Review   The fourth quarter of 2021 began with expectations for a strong acceleration of economic activity as the wave of COVID Delta variant cases waned. That was offset a bit by the arrival of the Omicron variantREAD MORE

Quarter in Review  Perhaps the most important factor in the markets and the economy during the third quarter has been the surge of COVID cases caused by the Delta variant. The good news is that this wave of the pandemicREAD MORE

Quarter in Review  The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta estimates that economic growth accelerated during the second quarter to roughly 7.8%, one of the fastest rates in decades. The U.S. leads most of the world (behind the U.K. and China)READ MORE

Quarter in Review What a difference a year makes. Just 12 short months ago, the stock market was reeling as investors began to digest the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One year (and several record highs on the stockREAD MORE

Quarter in Review 2020 is a year for the history books. As COVID-19 killed more than 341,000 Americans, the economy tanked in the first half of the year and has made an impressive comeback during the second half. Stock marketsREAD MORE