
As we look back on the financial markets in 2015, what really stands out is how poor returns were across the globe and across asset classes (stocks, bonds, commodities, etc.). Among the major global stock markets, the United States wasREAD MORE

If there is one theme from the past three months, it is that volatility has returned. At the beginning of the quarter, investors were actively discussing the possibility of Greece leaving the Euro currency (a “Grexit”) and markets were convincedREAD MORE

A mutual fund promising a 6% annual distribution yield (it pays out 6% per year) probably sounds attractive to many investors. In fact, clients of San Diego’s best known financial advisors may find such “opportunities” in their brokerage accounts. EvaluatingREAD MORE

News of the impending Qualcomm layoff hit the people of San Diego hard in recent weeks. According to reports, it seems that Qualcomm is set to lay off about 15% of its workforce. This has become fairly commonplace in theREAD MORE

Back in April of this year, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued a proposed rule that would require investment advisors to retirement plans to follow a Fiduciary Standard. The proposed rule has sparked a fierce Fiduciary Standard debate in theREAD MORE