
When it comes to health insurance, we can always count on changes. Medicare health and drug plans are no exception. While Part A and Part B of Medicare stay pretty much the same, supplemental “Medi-gap” and prescription drug plans canREAD MORE

Protecting against potentially catastrophic health care costs is one of the most important financial planning steps you can take. For most families in America, that protection comes from employer-provided group health insurance. But what happens when that coverage comes toREAD MORE

News of the impending Qualcomm layoff hit the people of San Diego hard in recent weeks. According to reports, it seems that Qualcomm is set to lay off about 15% of its workforce. This has become fairly commonplace in theREAD MORE

The recent earthquakes in Nepal got me thinking about a couple of things. The first was how I might be able to help such poor people so far away. The second was what would happen here at home if (when?)READ MORE

Over 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day. And that will happen each and every day for the next 3 decades! Age 65 used to be thought of as the age to retire. That’s changed. More and more people are workingREAD MORE