
These days, automobiles are more than rolling hunks of steel- many contain networked computers that are connected to the internet. Connected cars, as they are known, are able to share data with devices both inside and outside the car. OnREAD MORE

The Homeowners insurance situation in California has not been good. Following a surge in wildfires (over 1.5 million acres have burned in the past five years, according to CalFire) property insurers have faced mounting losses. Many either stopped renewing policiesREAD MORE

Interest rates have risen dramatically in the last year. By some measures, interest rates increased faster in 2022 than in any of the previous forty years. As a result, yields on short-term CDs, bonds, and other income vehicles have becomeREAD MORE

Over 60 million people rely on Medicare for their health insurance. The services Medicare provides can be confusing to navigate, with their “Alphabet Soup” of programs. Amid the lettered programs is a special and, for some, very costly group ofREAD MORE

If you are enrolled in Medicare, you can make changes to your insurance coverage once a year, during the Open Enrollment period. This period starts on October 15th and runs through December 7th each year. It applies whether you haveREAD MORE