Financial Planning for Physicians / Doctors

After years of arduous medical training, many young physicians are eager to celebrate their new career with the purchase of their first home. The high amount of debt and low savings could make this dream discouragingly out of reach—banks typicallyREAD MORE

Twenty-first century America is a nation of job-hoppers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American holds 12 jobs in their lifetime. The concept of retiring after 40 years with one company, taking home a pension andREAD MORE

The majority of physicians pursue and maintain their careers because of the satisfaction they receive in caring for their patients and finding answers to complex problems, not necessarily for the compensation they receive. Nevertheless, a physician’s financial planning, complicated byREAD MORE

Over 10 years ago, the television game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” became a huge hit. The show captured the imagination of the American public because, who didn’t want to be an instant millionaire? However, for most ofREAD MORE

What’s the best way to build wealth during your career in medicine? There is no shortage of opinions about it. But like most things, the path to financial security is founded on sound principles. In our experience working with physicians, successfulREAD MORE