
At Blankinship & Foster, we believe the more informed you are, the easier it will be for you to achieve the best possible outcomes. Our goal is to provide you with timely and relevant information that you’ll find valuable. Feel free to explore our FAQs page or contact us directly if you have any questions or topics you’d like to discuss.

It seems that news reports about the hacking of some popular website, and the resulting compromising of millions of user names, passwords and other personal data, have become much too commonplace. Do you use a strong password? There’s a veryREAD MORE

Recently, financial companies have seen a marked increase in the incidence and sophistication of financial fraud, especially through email. Charles Schwab has informed us that industry-wide attempts at financial fraud have increased more than ten-fold over the past five yearsREAD MORE

SAN DIEGO, CA — Blankinship & Foster, a nationally recognized fee-only wealth advisory firm in Solana Beach, California, announced that advisor Teresa Kakadelas, CFP® has been licensed by the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts to use the CDFA® mark. “GoingREAD MORE

In 2013, Blankinship and Foster advisors Monica Ma, Teresa Kakadelas and Alicia Butera started a research project to better understand the living and care options available to our clients during retirement. They met with different service providers and visited moreREAD MORE

According to a 2011 report by the Census Bureau, a college graduate can earn over 80% more during his or her lifetime than someone with just a high school diploma. But that advantage comes with a price tag. Currently, theREAD MORE