It’s been said that roughly 10,000 baby boomers are transitioning into retirement every day. Even though so many people are doing it, there’s still a considerable amount of stress as you transition from working into retirement. The big financial transitionREAD MORE
Author: Rick Brooks
A terminal illness is an emotionally complex time for everyone involved. It’s clearly not the best time to be making decisions that can impact your family for years or even for generations. Yet many put off making financial and estateREAD MORE
We were recently asked to help someone who had a very unusual problem with her 401(k). While the combination of problems was unusual, the situation illustrated several common mistakes people make. In this case, the combination of mistakes compounded intoREAD MORE
Let’s face it: debt is part of the American way of life. According to the Federal Reserve, total consumer debt (mortgage, credit card, auto and other) totals $12.7 trillion, or roughly 99% of disposable personal income. Of this, revolving debtREAD MORE
A popular economic theory suggests that if tax rates are at zero or 100%, the government will raise no revenue in either case. At 100%, all income goes to the government so there is no incentive for people to work,READ MORE