Medicare is the primary health insurance for U.S. citizens over 65. Unless you (or your spouse) are still working and covered by an employer-sponsored group health plan, everyone ages 65 and older must sign up for Medicare to obtain healthREAD MORE
Author: Rick Brooks
For most Americans, Social Security is a central pillar of retirement income. Nine out of ten Americans age 65 or older are receiving monthly benefits, and most of those started taking them as soon as they became eligible. There mayREAD MORE
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2018 changed the tax planning calculus for a lot of taxpayers. Among the many changes in this landmark tax act, one change was to eliminate the ability to recharacterize amounts converted into aREAD MORE
Have you ever looked at an empty toolbox and wondered what should be in there? What are the fundamental tools that a craftsman absolutely must have? For financial planners, two of the most important tools are a person’s balance sheetREAD MORE
There has been a lot of concern about our foreign trade policy recently. We’ve all seen the US stock market’s reaction to the announcements of tariffs and trade restraints against China. But what about the larger implications for jobs, theREAD MORE