Author: Monica Ma

Monica Ma, CFP®, CFA® is an advisor and the chair of the Investment Committee at Blankinship & Foster LLC. She helps clients build sound investment portfolios and develop strategic plans to reach their goals. Since Monica is passionate about sharing her knowledge with women and retirees, she co-leads the firm's Wise Women and Living Wisely Educational Series. Monica is a member of the International Community Foundation's Investment and Finance Committee. She has been living in San Diego since 2008 and enjoys travelling and cooking with her family.

Debt is a part of modern life. As a consumer, it’s important to understand its uses, benefits, and risks. Most people will borrow money during their lifetime, and for many it will be beneficial. For others, however, the debt willREAD MORE

What’s the best way to build wealth during your career in medicine? There is no shortage of opinions about it. But like most things, the path to financial security is founded on sound principles. In our experience working with physicians, successfulREAD MORE

We are now nine months into this pandemic, and many of us have been working exclusively from home during that time. This has forced us to try and do work to the standard required by our employers and customers, whileREAD MORE

Roth IRAs have some very important benefits. Assets in a Roth IRA grow tax-free, and any withdrawals are also tax-free. They are not subject to required minimum distributions during your lifetime. They can also be passed down to heirs tax-free.READ MORE

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered many aspects of our lives. We’ve had to change our daily routines, work differently and socialize differently. While these changes have been difficult for many, they may also bring opportunities to revisit and possibly reduceREAD MORE