It’s natural to worry about your children’s future, but when you have a special needs child, those worries can be so much bigger. Questions like, “how will I provide for my child if they cannot work?” have a host ofREAD MORE
Author: Jon Beyrer
It’s that time of the year again- tax filing season. The filing deadline for most 2021 tax returns is April 18, 2022 instead of April 15, due to the Emancipation Day holiday in the District of Columbia. Here are someREAD MORE
Getting divorced is a major life event that affects not just both spouses but the whole family. The primary concerns for people making this difficult decision are the emotional toll, the life disruptions, and the effect it can have onREAD MORE
“ . . . We’re not in Kansas anymore”— Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz We are in the midst of the greatest technology revolution in history, and there’s no telling where it will all lead. Advances in information technology willREAD MORE
2021 is almost in the books, as they say. The holidays are upon us, and we wish you tidings of comfort and joy. As the year winds toward the close, there are several year-end financial considerations that may be beneficial.READ MORE