It’s been said that the road to success has many turns. When the success we’re seeking is financial independence, the road can be bumpy, and the next turn can take you on a life-altering detour. Getting past uncertainty Managing financesREAD MORE
Author: Jon Beyrer
Interest rates have risen dramatically in the last year. By some measures, interest rates increased faster in 2022 than in any of the previous forty years. As a result, yields on short-term CDs, bonds, and other income vehicles have becomeREAD MORE
Over 60 million people rely on Medicare for their health insurance. The services Medicare provides can be confusing to navigate, with their “Alphabet Soup” of programs. Amid the lettered programs is a special and, for some, very costly group ofREAD MORE
It takes a lot of planning to design a successful retirement strategy. Saving and investing enough to fund a comfortable retirement is critical, but there are other things to consider as well. Your lifestyle, where you’ll live, medical expenses, pension,READ MORE
Many of us watch our parents getting older with some concern. They may be doing fine now, but we know that most older people eventually need some help. The need for help may increase gradually over time, but in manyREAD MORE