Author: Blankinship & Foster

The below article first appeared in the June 8, 2015 Issue of San Diego Business Journal, Banking & Finance Special Report; credited to Micheal Lipkin. Download SDBJ Article Here (PDF) INVEST: Financial Advisors Increasingly Address Interests and Situations of WomenREAD MORE

SAN DIEGO, CA — Blankinship & Foster advisor Teresa Kakadelas (CFP®, CDFA™) has joined the firm’s Executive Team to help set the strategic direction of the firm going forward. As a member of the Executive Team, Teresa will be aREAD MORE

Our client portfolios have benefited from diversification as a wide range of asset classes had positive returns for the quarter and many of the funds we hold performed fairly well. Notably, international stocks led large U.S. stocks, even with currencyREAD MORE

SAN DIEGO, CA — Blankinship & Foster, a nationally recognized fee-only wealth advisory firm in Solana Beach, California, announced that financial planning associate Alicia Butera has been licensed by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards to use the CertifiedREAD MORE

Over 10,000 Americans turn 65 every day. And that will happen each and every day for the next 3 decades! Age 65 used to be thought of as the age to retire. That’s changed. More and more people are workingREAD MORE